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Outdoor living areas and projects involving construction and designing a whole space always come with challenges. After all, it is important to think about quality and safety, but this must be done without sacrificing aesthetics. This is why it is key to keep in mind how you want to approach your residential decks and patios or consider the differences in how a commercial one should be approached. All of this will save you time and resources and set you up for a better and clearer project in the process.

At Myrtle Beach Deck and Patio Custom Builders, our professionals are available all year round and ready to work on every step of your property. We want to ensure that your outdoor space is in the best condition, and we have to understand your style and preferences through it all.

Unlike other companies and contractors, we take the time to work on a customization process. We don’t want this to be generic and are not referring to the idea of the whole aesthetic result. Instead, we want the deck and patio to be exactly as your property needs it so that you know it will be functional and age well by adding property value.

Therefore, have our professionals go over your project with us. We are available to listen to your needs based on the conditions that you are currently experiencing. Maybe you want some renovations or a very specific design in place. Sometimes, people are trying to decide what type of project they want to tackle: a patio or a deck for their outdoors.

Moreover, residential and commercial projects cannot be addressed the same way, so variables and customization on this whole new level are important for better results.

When to Choose Residential Decks Over Patios?

When you think about it, you realize the decision is not only based on what you like but also on what you are aiming for on a whole new level:

  • Durability in order to avoid frequent repairs or maintenance.
  • Longevity so that you know the feature will be there regardless of what happens to the property.
  • Quality brings balance to the design and all the safety aspects of the project.
  • Your experience in the space. Some people have a different event or use in mind when designing their outdoors.

As a company with over three decades of experience in the industry, we have noticed that those looking for decks are people who want to spend more time outdoors, but not always by being fully connected with nature.

After all, decks allow for a new structure and space, but customization around them being covered, screened, and closed is possible. As a result, you don’t have to be exposed to all outdoor elements but rather enjoy the current space with more protection than the regular.

However, an extra we would add to choose decks is when you want to hold meetings or specific events. For instance, you may have a house where guests and loved ones come quite often. If so, you can create this outdoor area to get the most out of your property and do more than keep everything indoors.

Now, this is with residential decks. For commercial ones, the story can be a bit different due to considerations in the materials and your goal as a company and not an individual, in how you should work with the design and final purpose of the deck or outdoor overall.

Then, When Are Residential Patios A Good Choice?

When you want to keep it low-budget, more open, and even a bit more private.

While decks can be screened and closed, they are usually the less used design. Decks can bring a good connection, but that also means people tend to be a bit more exposed to views, not the outdoor elements themselves.

Meanwhile, patios can be customized and made different. While the concept is a bit wider due to how you could install a single element and have it called this way, the way you can bring multiple ones is the beauty behind it.

Furthermore, it is possible to create structures that will bring the same or similar experience as a deck but without compromising the latter’s design.

When Are Residential Patios A Good Choice - Myrtle Beach Deck and Patio Custom Builders

A good example of privacy and picturing a patio would be:

Think about your trees, bushes, and green elements. A pergola in the middle of the space or as part of your main structure. Then, add outdoor curtains and an overhead tarp, or simply focus on high fences and hedges. It can be a magical place for privacy and a good mix of nature and modernity.

Our professionals want to make sure you have the concept present and understand that cabanas, pergolas, gazebos, and many more options are available. As a result, you have much more offered with patios, and being able to limit the size of the project can keep it within a budget.

In addition to all these benefits, patios are always stunning and easy to maintain if you want to. Hence, take the time to consider the comfort or if a deck would be a better choice due to what the structure offers as a whole for your property’s present and future.

Why Hire Custom Builders for Decks & Patios

While the idea of installing a new deck or adding some features for your backyard or outdoors seems a bit simple, things can get complicated for two main reasons. First, you don’t know what materials you should be handling, and, in most cases, it is difficult to determine what type you should be using unless you understand weather conditions and other aspects of the construction process.

Second, the whole concept of a deck or patio has been simplified until people realize that getting the design they see in pictures is not as simple.

This is why hiring people who understand the differences and know how to work around them will be key. First, for safety reasons, and second, for an aesthetically pleasing result in the property.

We want to make sure that you are safe while also getting the durability and longevity in your space. For this, customization is needed.

Custom builders don’t work around the basics of picking a color or a material and maybe choosing an element or two for your space following some ideas, such as traditional styles or pictures you share. Instead, we are here to consider variables and customize the size, quality, and whole selection.

The ideal result is having a deck or patio that fulfills your needs, and this isn’t only about aesthetics. Weather conditions and usage that it will be given are all included on the list. This way, you don’t have to repeat the process or worry about how the deck or features will be damaged in no time.

Why Hire Custom Builders for Decks & Patios - Myrtle Beach Deck and Patio Custom Builders

Therefore, feel free to navigate this process with us and simply have professionals working on it. In the overall picture, it does end up being more affordable and a fair and comfortable solution for your residential or commercial space.

What Type of Residential & Commercial Decks Can We Install?

All options and types.

Our company, Myrtle Beach Deck and Patio Custom Builders will help you through the selection or work with you on how we can make the design you have in mind possible.

For instance, wood decks are always the most popular ones. People like the traditional style and are always happy to work on colors and more variations in order to bring a unique touch. With them alone, you have over six different types of wood to choose from, which makes the whole selection process not as simple as you would think.

What we can recommend, based on wood alone, is always going with your budget and weather conditions. Essentially, stick to cedar, maple, hickory, and even oak or pine.

However, more options, such as mahogany and composite decks, are available, and when this happens, you realize durability and aesthetics can be guaranteed on a whole new level.

Vinyl, pressure-treated wood, and PVC are all options with us, and we will happily bring insight into what can be done or not with them.

But what about the whole design and structure? Close, screened, open, or whole custom options are always available. We want to make sure you have a clear idea of what you are getting once you decide to work with them, as you can enjoy a better experience or have more of a private one based on the type of deck and design selected.

Our role as custom builders includes working on a specific plan or bringing our support to create the entire project and make it happen. Hence, inquire about possibilities or let us know if you would like our team to handle the concept, design, and installation altogether.

What About Wood Railings & Other Components or Features?

We can work on a whole new project and design for your space so that you have a deck and patio designed from scratch. However, when you are looking for a specific element or need to work with us on a component and feature, we can make this happen.

Railings and handrails are good examples of this since many companies seem to forget that they should be included in most projects. Of course, a few people like working on an open space deck, which usually leads to no railings or similar elements.

Others want to repair them, replace the current design, or work more on a specific style that brings more safety and curb appeal to the space. We can make all of it happen regardless of the reason behind the installation.

Wood Railings - Myrtle Beach Deck and Patio Custom Builders

However, due to the conditions the project will be under, inspections are often needed. We need to know what we are dealing with and if previous workers and builders didn’t cause any harm to the space. Otherwise, it could be a bit tricky working with the construction and making the installation happen without risks.

What happens if we are just complementing a new project? We still conduct small inspections, but the planning and design will be more straightforward, and you can have your deck complete in no time.

With this in mind, our custom builders and professionals work with all spaces. Handrails, railings, and maybe handicap ramps can all go in other companies and locations. Therefore, they are not limited to current residential properties or commercial ones but rather open to every space needing them.

Feel free to inquire about this and even work with us on more than wood railings, as other materials can be used for the project and installation.

Do We Stop with Residential & Commercial Decks?

Not at all.

Our company brings all the decking and patio design you need, but we are also here to offer support in how existing ones can and should be handled.

This means it is possible to have our professionals work with you in inspections, repairs, maintenance, and post-services so that your deck and patio remain stunning and in the best condition.

In case you installed your deck or designed the patio with us, post-services are usually covered for the first 2 to 3 years in order to guarantee a unique result in your property. In comparison to other companies, we just want to make sure that there is no need to continuously worry about a brand-new structure when it should all be about enjoyment and excitement.

What this includes is basically working with our professionals on determining what’s wrong with your space or working around specific repairs you are requesting.

For deck inspections, we encourage you to contact us and have one scheduled. We will go over a checklist of damage and issues on the surface and see if the deck needs some staining, sealing, or other prevention approaches.

For deck repairs, things are a bit more straightforward if you already know the repair needed or if you would rather have us determine what’s wrong through the inspection.

We have been in the industry for a long time, so rest assured that all basics and elements will be handled in no time and with the utmost care. This way, you will have a safe and reliable deck or patio that complies with all requirements and brings the aesthetics you are looking for in one place.

Feel free to inquire about costs and plans before even hiring our professionals.

How Much Can Our Custom Builders Offer?

On an overall view, our professionals have been working in the industry for over three decades. Thanks to this, we have earned experience in multiple areas and specific designs in the industry, starting with how we can con on entire designs and installations or keep the essentials in check with the repairs and all elements involved for maintenance.

It mostly depends on what you are looking for and how you need our professionals to help you, but the general services will be focused on variables in the design, materials, and the way the entire structure and elements should be handled.

Unlike other companies, we like taking our time in offering more than the basics everyone speaks of so that you can have a good option and professionals working with you through it to prevent wasted money and time in all this.

But this doesn’t answer how much our professionals can offer in terms of services and full projects.

For starters, you can come to us for the usual residential decks and patios. We will work with you through the process of designing, planning, and getting the whole installation done. However, this is just part of the generic result and support you can get from us.

Other services include a more specialized and quality approach:

Custom Decks - Myrtle Beach Deck and Patio Custom Builders
PVC Decks - Myrtle Beach Deck and Patio Custom Builders
Wood Patios - Myrtle Beach Deck and Patio Custom Builders
Outdoor Living Areas - Myrtle Beach Deck and Patio Custom Builders
Pergolas - Myrtle Beach Deck and Patio Custom Builders
Gazebos - Myrtle Beach Deck and Patio Custom Builders
Deck Inspections - Myrtle Beach Deck and Patio Custom Builders
Vinyl Decks - Myrtle Beach Deck and Patio Custom Builders
Handicap Ramps - Myrtle Beach Deck and Patio Custom Builders

More Services in South Carolina

At Myrtle Beach Deck and Patio Custom Builders, our professionals are available all year round and ready to work on your projects. We will address specific elements and features or bring support for the whole design, planning, and installation.

Feel free to contact us for any residential deck and patio or work on your commercial properties with our professionals.

Unlike other companies, we offer a wide range of services and free estimates and inspections for most of them. This means you can decide whether you want to work with the team or not before having to compromise on the concept.

Call, email us, or use our contact form to get all the information. We will be there for any small, medium-sized, or large-scale project in the state. For tight budgets, let us know so that we can comply with your needs and keep it within the limit and required control.