Pergolas - Myrtle Beach Deck and Patio Custom Builders

Best Pergolas & Outdoor Installation Services in Myrtle Beach, SC

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Pergolas - Myrtle Beach Deck and Patio Custom Builders

While pergolas and gazebos fulfill the same purpose in terms of comfort, the design and range of functionality vary. As a result, you may see gazebos being useful and comfortable in some places, but pergolas can come in handy as larger concepts and features in an outdoor space. All of this may have made things a bit more confusing, but whenever you are thinking about a pergola because of the designs online or a friend’s landscape, you can stick to the idea and have our professionals at Myrtle Beach Deck and Patio Custom Builders provide insight into what is needed for them and if they fit your needs and preferences as you would expect.

First, we have to mention that pergolas are larger structures than gazebos, at least most of the time. The structure and whole concept of being a focal point or central location will pretty much remain. Still, unlike a gazebo, a pergola will prove to be more comfortable for multiple activities, not only conversations and enjoying the view.

Second, they can be made of multiple materials, and while wood is the most common one, our builders can always bring a different approach and ensure you don’t compromise on this material if you don’t want to.

Finally, the structure, shape, and how it is built will be completely different. Gazebos are mostly hexagonal or octagonal. However, pergolas are stunning and popular due to how you can work on rectangular shapes, squares, or even circular structures. It will depend on the space and dimensions or placement, but it is possible with the right builders working on it.

What we can tell you before you decide to work with pergolas and request the service is to bring color and specific material or let us know if we should handle it.

What Are the Benefits of Pergolas?

Focusing on the item at hand, pergolas come with more benefits than their shade and beauty. For starters, they add property value.

Outdoor living areas are gaining popularity even over having stunning interiors. As a result, more owners and buyers are pouring their hearts into the spaces not only for sale but also for enjoyment. Pergolas are quite welcomed in this process as they bring a new structure and a stable space where you can have old tea parties or simply spend any hour of the day reading and relaxing.

modern gazebo - Myrtle Beach Deck and Patio Custom Builders

For commercial property owners or businesses, pergolas bring a new space for workers or clients. With new methods being implemented along with conditions, you see people wanting to hold meetings outdoors instead.

You can create a perfect spot to sit, play, meet, talk, or do anything. Moreover, you complement the landscape, and, in many cases, the pergola will be everything you need to have a good design and sight in place.

While backyards are the main locations, some parks, squares, and owners choose a variable in location or placement, which brings a new look and nature to the concept.

But in the concept of shade and space, what makes them preferable over gazebos? They can be complements or stand-alone. Gazebos can be installed as focal points or individual elements for sightseeing and enjoying. However, pergolas can be in any outdoor living area and be the unique structure you need for sitting, spending time, organizing events, and more.

As a result, you have a complete feature that allows for further hardscaping and other installations.

Finally, they are affordable, and while the design is larger than other outdoor features, it is worth the overall picture and its low-maintenance benefit.

How to Get Started on Your Pergolas

At Myrtle Beach Deck and Patio Custom Builders, we work with residential and commercial properties and all types of installations. This means you can rely on us for your projects and installations regardless of the scale and location.

As long as you take the first step of reaching out, we can conduct a process through the following steps:

  1. Listen to your requests and needs.
  2. Discuss the options and purpose, and bring the ideas to the table.
  3. Determine if your project is viable or if it requires changes. This can be done through inspections or concepts and information on your property. Regardless of the option and method, the estimate and guidance are free at this stage.
  4. Work on an estimate and provide it so that you know how much your pergolas will cost and how we will perform the whole installation.

Feel free to call, email us, or use our contact form to request the service and details.